If you would like to support or help to raise money, contact us with your ideas and we will help you with your planning.
Here are some of the good ideas that people have done in the past:
- A London school had several baking sessions, then invited parents to a garden party hosted by the children themselves. They delighted in selling their home-made cakes, others served drinks and then proudly ended the day with a raffle. The children learned to plan, manage, and evaluate the whole event themselves.
- A Yorkshire school opted for a sponsored cycle.
- Several of our supporters chose to attend craft fairs and trade stands with our merchandise.
- A London restaurant pioneered a 'Food for Others' programme and for several weeks gave us 20% of the profit of their chosen meal.
- A local children's nursery school hosted a Teddy Bears Picnic and charged £1.00 for every bear that attended. They also raised a considerable amount of money with a Name that Bear activity.
- Another local nursery had a dress up as their favourite character day.
- Schools love it - yes everyone's favourite - non uniform day.
- A Charity Ball with 150 guests, attended by people from the Arts, Business, and Local Government, held for three successive years raised hundreds of pounds for our work in Mexico. A prestigious auction, raffle prizes and an outstanding evening of entertainment contributed to the great event.
And so, the list goes on. Give us your ideas and remember.
Fundraising can be great fun!